The Ilinizas Ecological Reserve July 1, 2014 This is a reserve for climbers, and the two sharp peaks of the Ilinizas, according to legend once a single volcano split by an ancient Read More »
Post Office Bay, Floreana Island September 6, 2017 The wooden barrel at Post Office Bay is very likely the Galapagos Islands’ most famous man-made site. It has been in use since the
Otavalo Cultural Trails August 2, 2017 The lakes district in the Northern Andes is a beautiful area to explore, not only for its scenery and interconnected valleys, but also for the
Mystic Weaver: Weaving Inca Links July 31, 2017 “Four generations or perhaps even more” says Miguel Andrango, master weaver, when I ask him how long his family has been in the trade. He
Floreana Island – Galapagos July 11, 2017 The Galapagos’ Floreana Island has a history cloaked in mystery. There are unsolved murders, love triangles and old pirate caves to explore, as well as