Learn Jungle Survival Tips at the Huaorani Ecolodge

Learn Jungle Survival Tips at the Huaorani Ecolodge

There are several ecolodges in Amazonia. Some are found in Brazil (especially near Manuas), travellers can experience the Amazonian rainforest in Peru, and more than one jungle lodge is found in eastern Ecuador.

However, the irony of Amazonian ecolodges is that most are located in rainforest that has been impacted by people. There aren’t as many monkeys, large animals, or big spectacular birds like macaws. In addition, although some lodges have excellent guides, most did not grow up in a culture that is completely associated with jungle survival.

A Jaguar on a trail at the Huaorani Ecolodge.

The Huaorani Ecolodge stands out from other jungle lodges because it is situated in a wild, remote area of the Ecuadorian Amazon far from any roads. It can only be accessed boat on wild jungle rivers and is located in Huaorani territory. This translates to a huge area of rainforest populated by very few people, and healthy populations of everything from Jaguar to monkeys, toucans, and macaws.

A Huaorani guide with guests at the Huaorani Ecolodge.

Although it can still be tough to see those and other animals, chances to encounter them are increased by experiencing the jungle with the people who know the rainforest the best; local Huaorani guides. While hiking in the jungle, they also teach guests about invaluable jungle survival skills such as making and using a blowgun, how to recognize animal tracks, and where to find clean water.

Learn about jungle survival from people who live in the heart of the wild Amazon at the Huaorani Ecolodge.

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