Cofán-Bermejo Ecological Reserve

The Cofán, who call themselves the A’I, are an age old culture whose home is the forest of north-eastern Ecuador. Around 1,000 Cofanes live in the country, as well as in the south of Colombia; they are divided by the San Miguel River. In Ecuador their territory has been greatly reduced over time, particularly since […]

The Ilinizas Ecological Reserve

This is a reserve for climbers, and the two sharp peaks of the Ilinizas, according to legend once a single volcano split by an ancient eruption, are the main feature. Today these two peaks are a magnet for climbers from around the world. The smaller North peak (5,116 m above sea level) is a suitable […]

Amazing Insects in the Ecuadorian Amazon

When most travelers hear the word “insects”, they usually think of ways to keep bugs from biting and how fast they can swat them. Although that might hold true for mosquitoes and other biting bugs, there are literally thousands of inoffensive insects that look downright incredible. Since many of them live in the biodiverse rainforests […]

Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve

This natural area, located in the northwest of the country, is a place of exotic landscapes, waterfalls and natural lagoons formed in an environment of undisturbed forests. But behind the scenery lies the most interesting element of the Mache-Chindul Reserve, the surprising variety of plants and animals that the visitor can find in this enchanted […]

The Cayapas-Mataje Mangrove Reserve

The Cayapas-Mataje Mangrove Reserve is one of the most luminous in Ecuador. The abundant and brilliant waters of this protected area – part of the biggest and best conserved estuary in the Southern Pacific – and the lush greenery of its landscapes will truly dazzle the visitor. Located in the Province of Esmeraldas (the Green […]

The Churute Mangrove Reserve

Formed by a complex of canals and virtually untouched emerald-green islands, humid and dry forests and mist-covered hills, the Manglares-Churute Ecological Reserve is truly impressive. The Reserve was named a wetland of global importance (RAMSAR) in 1990, and contains three important highlights: El Canclón Lake, the Churute hills and the mangrove forests. The abundant plant […]
